Updates and Corrections

Here you will see all the updates and corrections that have to be done.
That way, you will always keep your Megastore up to date!

A Correction on the Affiliate Login Page - 09.01.24

Corrections on YouTube URLs - 26.12.23

Add a Missing YouTube URL on a Lesson - 19.06.23


Correct the YouTube URL on a Lesson - 18.06.23


3 Corrections that have to be done on the site

Correction on Homepage Make Section Hidden on Tablet

Correct the Word Library on the Pop-up

Correction on the Product Description of Beauty Tips Blog - WordPress Theme

Grammar Corrections for The 2-in-1 Megastore

Fix Price Issue on Single Course Page

Delete the Word Yearly on Membership Sales Page

Remove a Duplicate Video, an Unassign Topic and Correct a Typo